
Operations Illegal on Linked Parameters. [C# windows application, Crystal report]

Jimish George

Jimish George


Hai ,

How can i solve the linked parameters problem in c# (Crystal Report).

I have a crystal report that generated from Sql Stored procedure directly.

In this contains a sub report & that contains a linked parameter, from the main report. So generating one selection formula and default parameter also.

When i am calling the 'reportfunction()' -> ( Contains the report name and parameters list also. So am creating a report document and binding this document into the reportviewer.).

Then passing one parameter also, other wise these function is not working, because take the parameter count and passing the values from the front end. But this function is not working with the linked parameter other case its working perfectly. Just removing the linked parameter then works it.

But the error is in the local Settings\ Temp\'Reportname{---Some key numbers--}.rpt Operations illegal on linked parameters.

If the error message closing then got the correct report, but how to avoid this error message?

Here have any coding is use to avoid?

Also how can improve the report binding speed? (the report viewer control loading take too much time).

Please help me...

Thanks in advance

Jimish George.