
"Out of Memory at Line 5" error after editing an article

Sam Hobbs

Sam Hobbs

Today I am having problems with "Out of Memory at Line 5" errors after editing an article. Has anyone else had this problem?

I am an editor for this web site. I edit articles after they have been published. I use the same editor that is often used by authors to create articles. In the past, I sometimes get an "Out of Memory at Line 5" error when I click the "Finish" button to save the changes. When that happens I cannot save the changes. Fortunate for me, the extent of the changes I make are small compared to what might occur when an article is being written.

If anyone else encounters this error, then it would help to report it so the extent of the problem can be determined.

If it happens to you, then I suggest the following workaround. Click on the "HTML" (it is now called "HTML text") tab for the HTML and copy all of it. Save the HTML someplace local to your system. Then cancel the changes to your article, then edit the article again. Go back to the HTML in the editor (HTML text tab) and delete everything and replace it with the previously saved HTML that includes your changes.
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