
Passing parameters to URL in Reports SSRS

Venkat P

Venkat P

Jul 21 2008 7:00 AM

Hi All,
I've created one report (SQL server reporting services). I want to add a hyperlink, which redirects to a .aspx page, in one of the columns of the report and need to pass the column value as the parameter. I tried using the 'Jump to URL' property of the textbox. But, i didn't get the desired result. May be i was wrong.

I've given the URL in the 'Jump tp URL' box like this..

"http://localhost/webtools/GetDetails.aspx?&EmpID=" & Fields!EmployeeID.Value

(I want a hyperlink under the EmployeeID column and if anyone clicks on the id..a new page GetDetails.aspx should openup)

I think, the URL is wrong..can anyone plz tell me the correct URL ..??


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