
paypal express checkout

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I am using the project example PayPal C# ASP.NET It's working really good, but I would like to make it work for another project. Aidan Garnish project is using paypal express checkout. We have a Default.aspx(Default.aspx.cs)site on which we have a form and some variables passed to nvpapicaller class and in case of success you will login to paypal.

In the project I am working on I have a shopping cart on which I display the products that are supposed to be bought by a client. I am displaying also Total, Vat, Shipping, Total Amount variables of the product. I am not using any kind of form in the project. See below my question in stack overflow


My question is if I can integrate this example with my project so I will work also the same. I am getting an error : on the line which has : double dblVat = Convert.ToDouble(vat); -

System.FormatException: Invalid format of the input string.

Iam not sure if iam passing the variables in the correct way or maybe iam missing sth. I am new to paypal with asp.net so for sure.I am doing something wrong. Is anyone who can help me with that or suggest another solution that will work. In the paypal example of aidan garnish the same problem occurs when you try to enter a value like 2.99, 2.3, etc. but when you enter 2 everythings good.What should i do please help.