
Please needed help ragarding Problem in Convertion of pages frm HTML to XHTML/ or designing pages compatible to .net 2005

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This is vishwanath
I have a small problem which is messin me up from some days
We people have to develop an intranet based online help desk as i have already said u..
So v have designed out pages in dreamweaver 8 with compatible asp.net and vb.net...
V have designed and when creating the project in .net environment and adding those designed pages in my project, that HTML code is not compatible to wat we have in present .net environment i.e., XHTML...
The problem is that it is takin hell of time to convert html  pages to xhtml format and some tags are outdated in .net 2005
Now we are not able to get the actual design wat we got in the previous case
Please help me out in jus designing of that particular application's pages in your approach..
tell me the procedure or any other way and i will be able do it.
Please ask some of your colgs if possible and reply me sir...
Im in need...