I am having a problem filling a polygon. When I use FillPolygon I get a fill that often overlaps the boundary polygon. How can I force the fill to stay within the boundary. I have some code to show what I've attempted. I hope this isn't the only way to do it!
Private Sub pbox2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pbox2.Click
Dim myGraphics As Graphics
Dim myPoints() As Point
Dim myFillPoints() As Point
Form1_MouseClick(sender, e)
Dim PtFill1 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 1, insPoint.Y + 1)
Dim PtFill2 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 20, insPoint.Y + 1)
Dim PtFill3 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 20, insPoint.Y + 21)
Dim PtFill4 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 60, insPoint.Y + 21)
Dim PtFill5 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 60, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim PtFill6 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 40, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim PtFill7 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 40, insPoint.Y + 60)
Dim PtFill8 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 21, insPoint.Y + 60)
Dim PtFill9 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 21, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim PtFill10 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 1, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim pt1 As Point = insPoint
Dim pt2 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 20, insPoint.Y)
Dim pt3 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 20, insPoint.Y + 20)
Dim pt4 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 60, insPoint.Y + 20)
Dim pt5 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 60, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim pt6 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 40, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim pt7 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 40, insPoint.Y + 60)
Dim pt8 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 20, insPoint.Y + 60)
Dim pt9 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X + 20, insPoint.Y + 40)
Dim pt10 As Point = New Point(insPoint.X, insPoint.Y + 40)
myGraphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(hwnd:=ActiveForm().Handle)
ReDim myPoints(9)
ReDim myFillPoints(9)
myPoints(0) = pt1
myPoints(1) = pt2
myPoints(2) = pt3
myPoints(3) = pt4
myPoints(4) = pt5
myPoints(5) = pt6
myPoints(6) = pt7
myPoints(7) = pt8
myPoints(8) = pt9
myPoints(9) = pt10
myFillPoints(0) = PtFill1
myFillPoints(1) = PtFill2
myFillPoints(2) = PtFill3
myFillPoints(3) = PtFill4
myFillPoints(4) = PtFill5
myFillPoints(5) = PtFill6
myFillPoints(6) = PtFill7
myFillPoints(7) = PtFill8
myFillPoints(8) = PtFill9
myFillPoints(9) = PtFill10
For Each pts As Point In myPoints
If pts.X < 50 Or pts.X > 170 Or pts.Y < 140 Or pts.Y > 340 Then
MsgBox("Shape falls outside of range." & vbCrLf & "Select a different insertion point.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "WARNING")
Exit Sub
Continue For
End If
myGraphics.DrawPolygon(pen:=Pens.Black, points:=myPoints)
myGraphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Indigo, myFillPoints)
End Sub