
Probally a daft question but..

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Scott Neville

Scott Neville

I have been having problems with some asp.net page, i am quite new to asp.net, but have used normal asp as well as other oop languages for ages (and as far as i can tell asp.net looks like an advanced asp with oop support) anyway, I simpley want to create a catagoryTree object, so I have my .aspx bit of code <%@ Page Language="VB"%> <%@ Import Namespace="CatTree" %> and my CatagoryTree.vb bit of code: Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Imports System Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Namespace CatTree Public Class CatagoryTree Private sqlCon As SqlConnection Private catDR As SqlDataReader Private sqlCmd As SqlCommand Public Sub New() sqlCon = New SqlConnection("blah blah blah") End Sub End Class but every time I run it I get the error Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'CatagoryTree' is not defined. Source Error: Line 5: Private Sub Page_Load() Line 6: 'Put user code to initialize the page here Line 7: Dim catList as new CatagoryTree() Line 8: End Sub Line 9: Source File: \\Neptune\PlutoIIS\Default.aspx Line: 7 I have tried sample files off the net which use the same sort of thing and they all work fine, just this one file I have written I cant seam to get working. Anyway any help would be appriciated.