problem casting from Control to Custom Control
Plse help.
I have a Custom Control (lets call it myCustomControl) which I dynamically load using Assembly.LoadFrom(). I can then instantiate Control objects using
"aControl = (Control)AssemblyInstanceName.CreateInstance(classname)" (where AssemblyInstanceName is the name of an instance of the Assembly class) which uses the Assembly classes CreateInstance method and casts the result to a Control object.
This seems to work fine, the web form shows my Custom Controls appearing.
I do not appear to able to do
"myCustomClassInstance = (myCustomClass)AssemblyInstanceName.CreateInstance(classname)" which I think should create the instance as a true myCustomClass.
Also I can't then cast the createdinstances from Control to myCustomControl - I keep getting "invalid cast" exceptions.
Can anyone please explain what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks Charlie