hi..I am trying to redirect my aspx page to a new page, by passing
in some values in the url, and I am using the following code in the c#
code behind:
and in the redirect.aspx page, I'm trying to retrieve the value of 'type' in the url like this:
string values = null;
values = Request["type"];
if (values == "2")
this.SuccessLabel.Text = "Respodent Successsfully Registered for the Job Event";
Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "3; URL=Welcome.aspx");
else if (values == "1")
this.SuccessLabel.Text = "Respondent registered successfuly";
Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "3; URL=Welcome.aspx");
although the redirect page loads with the correct value passed in the url, but the SuccessLabel.Text
is not updated with the text value I put in the above code and the page is also not redirected to the 'welcome.aspx' page. any idea why??