
problems with smtpMail



Hi I have created a site thats responsible for getting beer orders from clients. The ordering pad consists of a text boxes in a matrix format. It looks something like this: ---------750 ml------340 ml----500 ml Beer1----2 Beer2------------------1 Beer3 The amounts(2 na 1 in this case) are entered into texboxes, and afterwards this specific format must be mailed to the appropriate breweries for distribution. I have created a string that holds the the information which was no prblem, but I have a problem when I try to mail the text string. I use the smtp mail class, but if I do not specify the outgoing mail server, I receive an error message stating that 'The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid'. When I specify the outgoing mail server, I cannot gain acces to it because It needs username and password because the server receives so much spam etc. Is there any way that I can specify a user name and password in the smtp mail class or the Mailmessage class. Another option that I have is to create a mailer objet with javascript and then convert a text string to an html format message. The only problem i have with this approach is that I do not know how to get javascript to recognise the variables in my code behind page. Is there any way that I can get a javascript function in the aspx page to access or see variable and/or methods in my aspx.cs pages? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanx Ruan
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