
Project Architecture: MVC, WCF and EF

Olivier Muhring

Olivier Muhring

For a project I've started definining the architecture of the Visual Studio Solution. To do this I'm basing myself on a couple of books, the "expertise" of my sexy female colleague, an example of said colleague and an article I found on codeproject. (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/70061/Architecture-Guide-ASP-NET-MVC-Framework-N-tier-En)
At the moment I'm mostly basing myself on the codeproject-article, since it describes the process step by step.
  • I started by creating 2 MVC 3 webapplications, and their associated testprojects. 1 application was configured for intranet-usage, the other for internet-usage.
  • I created 2 new folders, 1 called Libraries (to put in my libraries), the other one "Webservices"
  • In the "Libraries" folder I created a 2nd folder, which is supposed to contain my DAL
  • The DAL is expected to use the EF and (currently) consists of 2 projects:
  1. 1 project contains the datamodel: the POCO-classes and their customizations

  2. 1 project containing the context-classes and the edmx-file. This project also includes the EF-package.
  • Under the "Libraries"-folder's root I've added 2 other projects:

  1. A project containing the business classes

  2. A project containing common functionality.
  • In the "Webservices" folder I created a WCF Service project.

Basically I ended up with a architecture like this:


My questions:

  1. Are there certain aspects I forgot to incalculate?

  2. Are there certain aspects I should implement differently?

All suggestions, comments are welcome... :-D