
Property Grid

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I am having problems wqith the property grid. When i add an oblect to the grid, I get some properties, but not others. I have a class, Class1, that contains a class, Class2 as shown pubic class Class1 { private Class2 m_class2 = new Class2(); public Class1() { } [ Browsable( true ) ] public Class2 Class2Property { get{ return m_class2; } set{ m_class2 = value; } } } public class Class2 { private int m_iValue = 0; public Class2() { } [ Browsable( true ) ] pubic int Value { get{ return m_iValue; } set{ m_iValue = value; } } } Adding Class1 to the grid gives me A property called "Class2Property", which is what I want, but I also want to see the properties of Class2 ( Value ) as subnodes of the Class2Property property. Much like the Size and Location properties of a WinForm. Also, please note that I do have a type converter in the not-so-scaled down version of what I am trying to accomplish. The Type converter works properly Can anyone help?