Hi Guys.
I am building a project that draw a chart with real time using
Microsoft Charts Control . Data source of chart changes every a few
seconds to reload data. but i have got a trouble with it. The error is
'{"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control...'
I use thread job to start thread every time when checking thread is complete.
private void gLoads()
jHOSEIDX = new ThreadStart(LoadChart);
tHOSEIDX = new Thread(jHOSEIDX);
GTimer.Interval = 10000; // 10 seconds
GTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(Otherwise);
GTimer.Enabled = true;
Here is otherwise method.
private void Otherwise(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(tHOSEIDX.ThreadState.ToString().CompareTo("Running") == 0))
jHOSEIDX = new ThreadStart(LoadChart);
tHOSEIDX = new Thread(jHOSEIDX);
Loadchart is a method reload data and adjust properties of chart.
private void LoadChart()
VnIndexChart.Titles[0].Text = "VN-Index";
string fileNameString = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\Data\Data.mdb";
string myConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fileNameString;
string mySelectQuery = "SELECT TGian,Data.Ngay, Data.ChiSoHTai, Data.ChiSoGLap,Data.KLDuMua FROM Data Order By 1; ";
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(myConnectionString);
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(mySelectQuery, myConnection);
VnIndexChart.DataSource = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
VnIndexChart.Series["VN-Index"].XValueMember = "TGian";
VnIndexChart.Series["VN-Index"].YValueMembers = "ChiSoHTai";
VnIndexChart.Series["VN-Index"].XValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
VnIndexChart.Series["VN-IDX.ESTIMATE"].XValueMember = "TGian";
VnIndexChart.Series["VN-IDX.ESTIMATE"].XValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
VnIndexChart.Series["VN-IDX.ESTIMATE"].YValueMembers = "ChiSoGLap";
VnIndexChart.Series["Qlity"].XValueMember = "TGian";
VnIndexChart.Series["Qlity"].YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary;
VnIndexChart.Series["Qlity"].XValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
VnIndexChart.Series["Qlity"].YValueMembers = "KLDuMua";
Help me fix the error.
here is source code
Thank You for you time.