Hi Can anyone help me, i am trying the build a deck of Crads the problem i am having is producing enough random numbers to fill the deck i get to 16 cards and then it seems i am not producing the remaining cards i need to fill the deck.
code is below..........
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace TexasHoldEmTest
public enum Suit { Clubs = 1, Diamonds = 2, Hearts = 3, Spades = 4 }
public enum CardNumber { Ace = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, Four = 4, Five = 5, Six = 6, Seven = 7, Eight = 8, Nine = 9, Ten = 10, Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13 }
public class Card
public Suit suit;
public CardNumber number;
public bool isUsed = false;
public Card()
// default constuctor that returns type of the Card class
Random suit1 = new Random();
Random number1 = new Random();
suit = (Suit)suit1.Next(1, 5);
number = (CardNumber)number1.Next(1, 14);
public void showCard(List<Card> c)
Console.WriteLine("{0} of {1}",number, suit);
public void Deck(List<Card> c)
Card card = new Card();
bool exists = c.Exists(x => x.suit == card.suit && x.number == card.number);
if (exists == false)
Console.WriteLine("Generating Card {0}", c.Count);
while (c.Count < 52);
class Game
static void Main(string[] args)
Card card = new Card();
List<Card> deckOfCards = new List<Card>();
foreach (Card c in deckOfCards)