
Read data from MicrosoftProjectFile as Root & Children task

Aditya manthankar

Aditya manthankar

Feb 19 2016 9:48 AM
Hello everyone,
 Some one please tell me how we can import data from  MicrosoftProjectFile (.mpp) in hierarchy like Root task and its children task in sql server 2012 database.
I have written code to read data from file but still I am not able to get it in hierarchy (Root and Children format). My code is
ApplicationClass projectApp = new ApplicationClass();
// Open the file. There are a number of options in this constructor as you can see
projectApp.FileOpen(@"D:\proj.mpp", true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
PjPoolOpen.pjDoNotOpenPool, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
// Get the active project
Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Project proj = projectApp.ActiveProject;
int cont = proj.Tasks.Count;
// Enumerate the tasks
string pname = proj.Name;
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Task task in proj.Tasks)
string name = task.Name;
string subproject = task.Subproject;
string Project = task.Project;
string PredecessorTasks = task.PredecessorTasks.ToString();
string Milestone = task.Milestone.ToString();
int Index = task.Index;
int Id = task.ID;
string DurationText = task.DurationText;
string Application = task.Application.ToString();
// Project stores the number of minutes in a workday, so 8 hours per workday * 60 = 480. 480 is a project "day"
int duration_in_days = Int32.Parse(task.Duration.ToString()) / 480;
DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(task.Start.ToString());
DateTime finish = DateTime.Parse(task.Finish.ToString());
double percent_complete = Double.Parse(task.PercentComplete.ToString());
string actual_finish = "";
if (task.ActualFinish.ToString() != "NA" && task.ActualFinish != "")
actual_finish = task.ActualFinish.ToString();
string predecessors = task.Predecessors.ToString();
int Duration = (finish - start).Days;
//string TemplateDuration = task.
string Deadlines = task.Deadline.ToString();
string Notes = task.Notes.ToString();
//string TemplatesNotes=task.te
//string summary = task.Summary.ToString();
// Do something with each task here
Please  help me it's urgent. 
Thanks in advance