Hi Vulpes
Sorry to email you direct I have posted an advert on the forum but havent had a reply and I know your be able to answer this no problems.
Ive written Submit and GetTotal methods as follows:-
public decimal GetTotal(string cartID)
using (DCECommerceDBEntities db = new DCECommerceDBEntities())
decimal cartTotal = 0;
var mycart = (from c in db.ViewCarts where c.CartID == cartID select c);
if (mycart.Count() > 0)
cartTotal = mycart.Sum(od => (decimal)od.Quantity * (decimal)od.UnitCost);
catch (Exception exp)
throw new Exception("ERROR: Unable to Calculate Order Total - " + exp.Message.ToString(), exp);
return (cartTotal);
public bool SubmitOrder(string userName)
using (DCECommerceDBEntities db = new DCECommerceDBEntities())
Order newOrder = new Order();
newOrder.CustomerName = userName;
newOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
int NewOrderKey = (from p in db.Orders select p.OrderID).Max();
String cartId = GetShoppingCartId();
var myCart = (from c in db.ViewCarts where c.CartID == cartId select c);
foreach (ViewCart item in myCart)
OrderDetail od = new OrderDetail();
od.OrderID = NewOrderKey;
od.ProductID = item.ProductID;
od.Quantity = item.Quantity;
od.UnitCost = item.UnitCost;
var myItem = (from c in db.ShoppingCarts where c.CartID == item.CartID && c.ProductID == item.ProductID select c).FirstOrDefault();
if (myItem != null)
catch(Exception exp)
return true;
I basically want to implement the below so that I can pass the return values ie orderId etc to PayPal.
string redirect = "";
redirect += "&item_name=" + siteName + " Order " + orderId;
redirect += "&item_number=" + orderId;
redirect += "&amount=" + String.Format("{0:0.00} ", amount);
redirect += "¤cy=USD";
redirect += "&return=http://www." + siteName + ".com";
redirect += "&cancel_return=http://www." + siteName + ".com";
// Redirect to the payment page
With regards to the siteName I can use a const string so thats fine and the currency is easily enough also, its mainly the Total Amount and OrderId I need help with please.
Many thanks