
Registry value can't access in Windows7 where it well work in XP

Tanmay Sarkar

Tanmay Sarkar

Jul 3 2010 10:27 AM
I want to access few registry key like computer Owner name. And I did it, but it can't work in Windows7. It shows access is denied. My code is ...
using Microsoft.Win32;
                string path = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion";
                RegistryKey regkey = Registry.LocalMachine;
                regkey = regkey.CreateSubKey(path);  

                string owner = (string)regkey.GetValue("RegisteredOwner");
                string org = (string)regkey.GetValue("RegisteredOrganization");
                label1.Text = "Computer owner: " + owner;
                label2.Text = "Organisation" + org;

            catch (Exception ex)

plz help me!

Thank you in advance!

PLZ help me sir/mam, without your help this is not possable, & my work will rejected as it has showing exception in Windows 7. plz...

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