
Replace Function

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In my application there is one gridview in that there is two textboxex and two buttons
1)AccountNumber is textbox one button is there to right of the textbox and business name is textbox to the right one button is there

Businessname:Anderson's "The Grocery Store"
when i enter account number and clicking the button its retreving the businessname in SP it goes to TYPE='AN'
when i enter businessname and clicking the button account number is not retriving in SP it goes to TYPE='BN'

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DBSP_SF_GetAccountsLikeAccNo]
                    @AccountNo VARCHAR(20),
                    @BusinessName VARCHAR(40),
                    @Type VARCHAR(2)

                    IF @Type = 'AN'
                        SELECT AccountNo, BusinessName FROM CustomerDetails WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE AccountNo like @AccountNo + '%'
                    ELSE IF @Type = 'BN'
                        SELECT AccountNo, BusinessName FROM CustomerDetails WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE  BusinessName like  REPLACE(@BusinessName, '''', '''''') + '%'
 plz help me this is my SP how change the SP

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