
report in vb.net express edition

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hi, i am using vb.net 2005 express with mysql. so there is no report control in vb.net express edition.so i used datagridview for printing my reports.

please look at the image which i have attached.i can able to print datagridview. but i would like to print as like as in the attached image.so pease is this possible to do ?if means please show me some sample for that please
Dear friend, i couldn't show the imge here. becos there is no file upload option here .so i am drawing example  what i need

                                                    Employee infomation                                         21/02/2008
    Name                            Age                            Salary                           Designation          

Jesus                                21212121212121      1111111111                  God          220000
mano                                 32                             1212222222                    SE           2/2005

etc etc etc.......

                                                       Manager Infomation                                                                                                                                                 21/02/2008

Name                                        Id                              Salary                        Status       Grade
xxxxx                                      25                               12112121                  G                 A
yyyyyyyy                                 32                               223232                       Q               D

so my report should be like this. i think this can't be donr with datagridview is it so? if means please show some example to build sample to create report like this please