
Resource File usage

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hi all
i am just beginner in c# and i try to make a project which includes notifyicon
actually i completed my project..it work without problem when i run it
but i want to make its exe file to use it in another pc also..but when i try to make its exe by using csc prompt (vs 2008) it gives such an error :
Form1.cs (21,32) : error cs0103 : the name 'DisKaynak' doesnt exist in the current context
DisKaynak is the name of my resource file (DisKaynak.resx)
i have such a code line in the project :
notifyicon1.Icon = DisKaynak.myIconName ;
i dont know if only this line is enough to read the icon from the resource or should i write more codes there
so how can i get rid off that error
i will be happy if u help me

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