
Retrieving and Uploading Images in Database

Vijay Rajan

Vijay Rajan


     I have a hyperlink column named change bound to a datagrid. In the datagrid I have 5 rows and 5 columns. I have a row named logo in which i will dsplay the images from database in an order and when i click the change button corresponding to the first row, it should be directed to a new popup window in which i have to dislay the corresponding logo of the first row in an image window and when i click browse and upload a new logo from the db the new logo should be displayed in the image window of the popup menu. i have done upto file uploading in popup but i dont know how to retrieve the image from the database and upload another image to db. my question is if we have to retrieve the image from the database do we have to create a new connection in the new window where the popup is created or we have to connect from the parent window (in which the datagrid is displayed). Pls provide me with a solution.
