
Running an 'always on' Server Component

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I am currently looking to build a web application with the basic underlying premise that multiple users can access, and update, a value.  This will be a global value across all users.


While I understand that it would be possible to do this using a database and web forms, I am also looking to do some reasonably complex analysis on this number in relation to other data, and have the idea (rightly or wrongly), that it will be quicker to hold all this data ‘in memory’ rather than in a database.


I also realise that .NET offers application state, but this only seems useful for up to a handful of variables, and my application will ultimately have to be scalable, offering user interaction with lots of variables as well as more complex objects.


Can anyone make any suggestions as to how to go about this?  I’ve looked at Web Services, but they seem to have a similar model to web forms regarding state management.


I am essentially asking: how do you implement a classic client-server application using .NET?  Is there a particular type of .NET ‘thing’, like a webform which will do this?


I apologise if this post is a bit confused – that’s because I am! - but I would be very grateful for any help.


