
save grid

Maneesh A N

Maneesh A N

Protected void SaveGrid
     int RowsCount      = dgvsales.Rows.Coun t;
     int ColumnsCount = dgvsales.Columns.Count;

    for(int i =0;i < rowsCount;i++)
     for(int j=1;j < ColumnsCount ; j+=)
       I want to get data of  each cell in a row
       I want to read the corresponding Header and store

please check the code and correct it,i have to save different columns through gridview in sql 2005 when i added,all the certain  columns created in grid view edit columns.example : itemcode,itemname,Nos,Rate,Amount these are in grid
i should save different 'itemname' into corresponding seperate columns through itemname in the grid.please give me soon.
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