I am using this code to save data from richTextBox to .csv file.
richTextBox1.Text = csv.ToString();
string savefileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(opfd.FileName).ToString() + "\\Results\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(savefileDirectory))
//to save the changed files.........................................................
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
sfd.FileName = savefileDirectory + "fileR1" + ".csv";
//File.WriteAllLines(sfd.FileName, richTextBox1.Lines);
But what i am getting is data saved in .csv file separated with commas in a line or row, not separated by cells in a row.
Something like this: 234,456,wer45,22-00-99
I wanted if data could come in separate cells in every row without showing the comma. So I need help if anyone knows where i am going wrong.