
Search Result stored procedure

Ruga Lincy

Ruga Lincy


I have 2 text boxes one is for resource and another one is for location.

As of now what i did was i create stored procedure for displaying search results. My problem is while giving resource it s fetching the corresponding resource but also taking other resource that match with location

for example if i searched for saloon in India it is displaying a the result which is in the location( India ) and also display hospital,school etc..

assume that:

textbox 1: Saloon textbox 2: India

if i give like this my search results coming

search result

Resource : Naturals - India's No: 1

Location : India

Resource : Apollo Hospitals

Location : India

Resource : Sahyadri School

Location : India

how to solve this ??

stored procedure is

@loc NVARCHAR(100) = NULL
select *
from tblBusinessCategory as b
inner join tblUser as u on b.BusinessID=u.BusinessCategoryId
inner join tblAddress as a on u.AddressId=a.AddressID

where a.City = @loc OR a.State = @loc
OR b.BusinessName LIKE '%' + @SEARCH + '%'
Order By case when b.BusinessName = @SEARCH then 0 else 1 end
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