
Seekbar problem in wpf media element when playing a streaming video

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Hi, I'm having a problem with the mediaelement in WPF. I need to make a audio/video player that plays media from a streaming server (my streaming server) the problem is that I can't get the seek bar to work. The same video played from "c:\video.ogv" works perfect and from "http:\\video.ogv" has no seek bar, the video plays fine, but without seek bar. I've tried two formats (flv & ogv) with two different streaming servers (apache module for flv & Icecast2 for ogv) and the two have the same result. I have tried opening the streaming videos with another player (outside WPF) and the seekbar works fine for noth options (SMPlayer). Another thing worth mentioning is that I couldn't find any example of a media player in WPF with this feature working, every single one of the examples in the web have working seek bar works for local video and no one works with streaming video (I also tried WPF mediakit) Does someone know how to fix this or another way to make this work, even a commercial control? I have one important restriction the streaming sever must work on linux & the format of the streaming video must be royalty free. Thank you very much. Daniel

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