
Serial Service?

deepender singla

deepender singla

Respected sir/member

I am having ssc 32 controller board with attached to com 1 of my pc , how i can command to it like a string  "#0 P1500 S750"

I have tried serial service to use this , but i was not suceesful may be i am doing something wrong , it is written in read me in the serial service we have to setup a protocol , i suppose that mean we need to change port no. and baud rate in configure.xm  i ahve also done that but it is not working , i have also read magzine article on this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee309885.aspx
but still i am not able to conclude anything plz help me , can i use lynxmotion.ssc32 service directly with data activity with a string on it?

Any help will be greatly appreciatated