
Server Timeout Error



Team out here is facing an absurd issue. In our application, we are trying to update the details of a specific contact using stored proc(SQL Server). The corresponding update stored proc works fine when we execute the application on local server. But it throws an error "Timeout Expired.The Timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." when we execute the application on remote server. All the other stored procs work perfectly fine on both the localhost and the remote server Any ideas would really help the team. I have pasted the stored proc UPDATE T_CONTMASTER SET FIRSTNAME=@FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME =@LASTNAME , REFERENCEFIRSTNAME =@REFERENCEFIRSTNAME , REFERENCELASTNAME = @REFERENCELASTNAME , REFERENCEEMAIL =@REFERENCEEMAIL , HOMEPHONE =@HOMEPHONE , WORKPHONE= @WORKPHONE, CELLPHONE = @CELLPHONE , REFERENCECELLPHONE = @REFERENCECELLPHONE , ADDRESS1 = @ADDRESS1 , ADDRESS2 = @ADDRESS2 , STATE =@STATE , CITY = @CITY , ZIPCODE=@ZIPCODE, COMPANY=@COMPANY, NEIGHBORHOOD=@NEIGHBORHOOD, NEWSLETTERSTATUS=@NEWSLETTERSTATUS, CAMPAIGNLETTERSTATUS=@CAMPAIGNLETTERSTATUS WHERE CONTACTID=@CONTACTID UPDATE T_LEADCONTMAPPIN SET LEADTYPEID=@LEADTYPEID WHERE CONTACTID=@CONTACTID UPDATE T_SRCCONTMAPPIN SET SOURCEID=@SOURCEID WHERE CONTACTID=@CONTACTID UPDATE T_MSGRCONTMAPPIN SET MESSENGERID=@MESSENGERID,CHATUSERNAME=@CHATUSERNAME WHERE CONTACTID=@CONTACTID