
Setting Database on LAN Server

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David Carter

David Carter


My database program works well on individual  computers but I want to have it installed on a LAN server for all users to be able to access, or at least the database file should be on the LAN and common to all computers.
It is just a simple VB program with a datagridview filled from TestDatabase.mdb
I have Published the program files on my LAN at My Network Places\SharedDocs on computer_1\Test Database\
And copied the mdb file to that folder.
Unfortunately Form1.designer.vb sets the following code:
Me.OleDbConnection1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=""C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Test Database\TestDatabase.mdb"""
Each computer can access the files but they all need to have the program installed using the setup file.
Because it is a shared folder I thought that alll computers on the LAN would look to the common folder but instead they look to their own folder named C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\.
During setup, I need the source to be set at the LAN server so all computers look to the same mdb file sitting there, not the copy sitting on their own computer.
Any ideas folks?

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