SP execution using Entity framework vs SqlCommand+ reader
<p>Hi, </p><div>Why does SP called from EF(I'm using version 6.1.3) takes time as compared toSP execution time of SQLCommand's ExecuteNoNQuery() & Datareader? I'm making an Async call using EF like below- </div>
<font face="Courier New" size="2"><font face="Courier New" size="2"><p>public async Task<IList<T>> ExecSPAsync<T>(string query)</p>
<p> {</p>
<p> return await Context.Database.SqlQuery<T>(query).ToListAsync();</p>
<p> }</p>
</font></font><p>Use of SQLCommand/SQLDatareader seems to be much efficient compared with SP call using EF. What would be the efficient way of calling SP using EF?</p>