I converted the query from sql to Linq however in linq it is not giving me exact result as sql is giving. Please help
Sql Query
SELECT o.DocumentID, o.DocumentReceivedTime, o.DocumentReferenceNo, aro.RelatedDocRefNo, abs(datediff(minute, o.DocumentReceivedTime, GETUTCDATE())) AS TimeSince
FROM [BISDW1D].[dbo].Documents o
LEFT JOIN [BISDW1D].[dbo].Documents aro
ON o.DocumentReferenceNo = SUBSTRING(REPLACE(aro.DocumentReferenceNo, 'APVORD-', ''), 0, (
WHEN CHARINDEX('-', REPLACE(aro.DocumentReferenceNo, 'APVORD-', '')) = 0
THEN len(aro.DocumentReferenceNo) + 1
ELSE CHARINDEX('-', REPLACE(aro.DocumentReferenceNo, 'APVORD-', ''))
AND o.Sender = aro.Sender
AND aro.MessageTypeID = 5
WHERE o.MessageTypeID = 2
AND o.Environment = 1
AND o.DocumentReceivedTime < DATEADD(MINUTE, -3, GETUTCDATE())
AND aro.DocumentID IS NULL
AND o.DocumentReceivedTime > DATEADD(HOUR, -12, GETUTCDATE())
--AND o.DocumentID NOT IN (203309, 217893) --blocked duplicates
linq query
byte? a1 = 5;
var query = (from a in db.Documents
join b in db.Documents on new { x=a.DocumentReferenceNo, y = a.Sender,z=a.MessageTypeID} equals new
x =(b.DocumentReferenceNo.Replace("APVORD-","").Substring(0,(SqlFunctions.CharIndex("-", b.DocumentReferenceNo.Replace("APVORD-"," ") ) == 0 ? (b.DocumentReferenceNo.Length +1):(int)SqlFunctions.CharIndex("-", b.DocumentReferenceNo.Replace("APVORD-",""))))),
y = b.Sender,
} into j1
from b in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in db.Trading_Partner on a.Recipient equals c.TPID
join d in db.Trading_Partner on (int)a.Sender equals d.TPID
where a.MessageTypeID == 2
&& a.Environment == 1
&& a.DocumentReceivedTime < SqlFunctions.DateAdd("minute",-3,SqlFunctions.GetUtcDate())
&& b.DocumentID.Equals(null) &&
a.DocumentReceivedTime > SqlFunctions.DateAdd("hour",-12,SqlFunctions.GetUtcDate())
orderby a.DocumentID descending
select new Bivir
DocumentID = a.DocumentID,
DocumentReceivedTime = a.DocumentReceivedTime,
DocumentReferenceNo = a.DocumentReferenceNo,
RelatedDocRefNo = b.DocumentReferenceNo,
TimeSince = (double?)Math.Abs((double)SqlFunctions.DateDiff("minute",a.DocumentReceivedTime,SqlFunctions.GetUtcDate()))