This is the program summary:
There are command buttons:
item textbox
min textbox
max textbox
Add Item
Delete Item
Add Transaction
Edit Transaction
Delete Transaction
Clear All Transactions
and Solve cmd button.
Besides is are 2 Listbox for for item the other for transactions.
By default there are four items in the 1st list box (a,b,c,d).
If u recall u helped in modifying the Add item event to accept both alphabets and numerals from this method:
" private void txt_Item_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Back;
Normally if u select any two items randomly and click add transaction, the items would immediately be listed in the transaction listbox. So on entering say 50% and 80% respectively in the lower textboxes called min and max and click solve, the algorithm would then generate some frequencies of itemsets based on a transaction. Thats all.
The problem Im faced with now is where the index is overflowing. You were quite right by indicating that one of the methods is recalling itself. The question now is how can I stop it from doing so. so that the indexed items greater than 3 such as CSC444, CSC555, CSC222 can be transacted with? Below is a summary of the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Apriori
public partial class frmMain : Form
#region Global Variables
Dictionary<int, string> m_dicTransactions = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Dictionary<string, double> m_dicAllFrequentItems = new Dictionary<string, double>();
int m_nLastTransId = 1;
public frmMain()
private void btn_AddItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ValidateInput(txt_Item, false))
string strNewItem = txt_Item.Text;
foreach (ListViewItem lvItem in lv_Items.Items)
if (lvItem.Text == strNewItem)
MessageBox.Show("Item (" + strNewItem + ") already exists", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
txt_Item.Text = string.Empty;
txt_Item.Text = string.Empty;
private void btn_DeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lv_Items.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
for (int i = lv_Items.CheckedItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
List<int> lst_Transactions = new List<int>();
string strItemtoDelete = lv_Items.CheckedItems[i].ToString();
if (ItemIsRemovable(strItemtoDelete, ref lst_Transactions))
string strTransactions = string.Empty;
foreach (int nTransactionId in lst_Transactions)
strTransactions += nTransactionId.ToString() + ",";
strTransactions = strTransactions.Remove(strTransactions.Length - 1);
MessageBox.Show("Can not delete item " + strItemtoDelete + ", item exists in transactions " + strTransactions, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
MessageBox.Show("please choose items to add", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private bool ValidateInput(TextBox txtBox, bool bIsNumber)
if (txtBox.Text.Length == 0)
errorProvider1.SetError(txtBox, "please enter value");
return false;
if (bIsNumber && int.Parse(txtBox.Text) > 100)
errorProvider1.SetError(txtBox, "please enter value between 0 and 100");
return false;
errorProvider1.SetError(txtBox, "");
return true;
private void btn_AddTrans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lv_Items.CheckedItems.Count <= 0)
MessageBox.Show("please choose items to add", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
string strTransactiondic;
string strTransactionLV = GetTransactionFromListView(out strTransactiondic);
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(m_nLastTransId.ToString());
lvi.Tag = m_nLastTransId;
m_dicTransactions.Add(m_nLastTransId, strTransactiondic);
private void btn_EditTrans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nChosenTransactions = lv_Transactions.CheckedItems.Count;
if (nChosenTransactions > 1 || nChosenTransactions == 0)
MessageBox.Show("please choose one transaction to modify", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
int nTransId = (int)lv_Transactions.CheckedItems[0].Tag;
string strTransaction = m_dicTransactions[nTransId];
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lv_Items.Items)
lvi.Checked = false;
foreach (char cItem in strTransaction)
for (int i = 0; i < lv_Items.Items.Count; i++)
if (lv_Items.Items[i].Text == cItem.ToString())
lv_Items.Items[i].Checked = true;
private void btn_EndEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nTransId = (int)lv_Transactions.CheckedItems[0].Tag;
string strTransactiondic;
string strTransactionLV = GetTransactionFromListView(out strTransactiondic);
m_dicTransactions[nTransId] = strTransactiondic;
ListViewItem lvi = lv_Transactions.CheckedItems[0];
lvi.SubItems[0].Text = nTransId.ToString();
private void btn_DeleteTrans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nChosenTransactions = lv_Transactions.CheckedItems.Count;
if (nChosenTransactions < 1)
MessageBox.Show("please choose at least one transaction to delete", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
for (int i = 0; i < lv_Transactions.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
private void btn_ClearTransactions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Clear All Transactions ?", "Apriori", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.OK)
m_nLastTransId = 1;
private void btn_Solve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region validation
if (!ValidateInput(txt_Support, true) || !ValidateInput(txt_Confidence, true))
if (lv_Transactions.Items.Count <= 0)
MessageBox.Show("Enter Transactions first", "Apriori", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
private void txt_Confidence_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Back;
private void txt_Item_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Back;
private string GetTransactionFromListView(out string strTransactiondic)
strTransactiondic = string.Empty;
string strTransactionReturn = string.Empty;
foreach (ListViewItem lviCheckedItem in lv_Items.CheckedItems)
strTransactiondic += lviCheckedItem.Text;
strTransactionReturn += lviCheckedItem.Text + ",";
strTransactionReturn = strTransactionReturn.Remove(strTransactionReturn.Length - 1);
return strTransactionReturn;
private void Solve()
double dMinSupport = double.Parse(txt_Support.Text) / 100;
double dMinConfidence = double.Parse(txt_Confidence.Text) / 100;
////Scan the transaction database to get the support S of each 1-itemset,
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItemsL1 = GetL1FrequentItems(dMinSupport);
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItems = dic_FrequentItemsL1;
Dictionary<string, double> dic_Candidates = new Dictionary<string, double>();
dic_Candidates = GenerateCandidates(dic_FrequentItems);
dic_FrequentItems = GetFrequentItems(dic_Candidates, dMinSupport);
while (dic_Candidates.Count != 0);
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dicClosedItemSets = GetClosedItemSets();
List<string> lstMaximalItemSets = GetMaximalItemSets(dicClosedItemSets);
List<clssRules> lstRules = GenerateRules();
List<clssRules> lstStrongRules = GetStrongRules(dMinConfidence, lstRules);
frmOutput objfrmOutput = new frmOutput(m_dicAllFrequentItems,
private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> GetClosedItemSets()
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dicClosedItemSetsReturn = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();
Dictionary<string, double> dicParents;
for (int i = 0; i < m_dicAllFrequentItems.Count; i++)
string strChild = m_dicAllFrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(i);
dicParents = GetItemParents(strChild, i + 1);
if (IsClosed(strChild, dicParents))
dicClosedItemSetsReturn.Add(strChild, dicParents);
return dicClosedItemSetsReturn;
private List<string> GetMaximalItemSets(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dicClosedItemSets)
List<string> lstMaximalItemSetsReturn = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, double> dicParents;
foreach (string strItem in dicClosedItemSets.Keys)
dicParents = dicClosedItemSets[strItem];
if (dicParents.Count == 0)
return lstMaximalItemSetsReturn;
private bool IsClosed(string strChild, Dictionary<string, double> dicParents)
foreach (string strParent in dicParents.Keys)
if (m_dicAllFrequentItems[strChild] == m_dicAllFrequentItems[strParent])
return false;
return true;
private Dictionary<string, double> GetItemParents(string strChild, int nIndex)
Dictionary<string, double> dicParents = new Dictionary<string, double>();
for (int j = nIndex; j < m_dicAllFrequentItems.Count; j++)
string strParent = m_dicAllFrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(j);
if (strParent.Length == strChild.Length + 1)
if (IsSubstring(strChild, strParent))
dicParents.Add(strParent, m_dicAllFrequentItems[strParent]);
return dicParents;
private List<clssRules> GetStrongRules(double dMinConfidence, List<clssRules> lstRules)
List<clssRules> lstStrongRulesReturn = new List<clssRules>();
foreach (clssRules Rule in lstRules)
string strXY = Alphabetize(Rule.X + Rule.Y);
AddStrongRule(Rule, strXY, ref lstStrongRulesReturn, dMinConfidence);
return lstStrongRulesReturn;
private void AddStrongRule(clssRules Rule, string strXY, ref List<clssRules> lstStrongRulesReturn, double dMinConfidence)
double dConfidence = GetConfidence(Rule.X, strXY);
clssRules NewRule;
if (dConfidence >= dMinConfidence)
NewRule = new clssRules(Rule.X, Rule.Y, dConfidence);
dConfidence = GetConfidence(Rule.Y, strXY);
if (dConfidence >= dMinConfidence)
NewRule = new clssRules(Rule.Y, Rule.X, dConfidence);
private double GetConfidence(string strX, string strXY)
double dSupport_X, dSupport_XY;
dSupport_X = m_dicAllFrequentItems[strX];
dSupport_XY = m_dicAllFrequentItems[strXY];
return dSupport_XY / dSupport_X;
private List<clssRules> GenerateRules()
List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn = new List<clssRules>();
foreach (string strItem in m_dicAllFrequentItems.Keys)
if (strItem.Length > 1)
int nMaxCombinationLength = strItem.Length / 2;
GenerateCombination(strItem, nMaxCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn);
return lstRulesReturn;
private void GenerateCombination(string strItem, int nCombinationLength, ref List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn)
int nItemLength = strItem.Length;
if (nItemLength == 2)
AddItem(strItem[0].ToString(), strItem, ref lstRulesReturn);
else if (nItemLength == 3)
for (int i = 0; i < nItemLength; i++)
AddItem(strItem[i].ToString(), strItem, ref lstRulesReturn);
for (int i = 0; i < nItemLength; i++)
GetCombinationRecursive(strItem[i].ToString(), strItem, nCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn);
private void AddItem(string strCombination, string strItem, ref List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn)
string strRemaining = GetRemaining(strCombination, strItem);
clssRules Rule = new clssRules(strCombination, strRemaining, 0);
private string GetCombinationRecursive(string strCombination, string strItem, int nCombinationLength, ref List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn)
AddItem(strCombination, strItem, ref lstRulesReturn);
char cLastTokenCharacter = strCombination[strCombination.Length - 1];
int nLastTokenCharcaterIndex = strCombination.IndexOf(cLastTokenCharacter);
int nLastTokenCharcaterIndexInParent = strItem.IndexOf(cLastTokenCharacter);
char cNextCharacter;
char cLastItemCharacter = strItem[strItem.Length - 1];
if (strCombination.Length == nCombinationLength)
if (cLastTokenCharacter != cLastItemCharacter)
strCombination = strCombination.Remove(nLastTokenCharcaterIndex, 1);
cNextCharacter = strItem[nLastTokenCharcaterIndexInParent + 1];
string strNewToken = strCombination + cNextCharacter;
return (GetCombinationRecursive(strNewToken, strItem, nCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn));
return string.Empty;
if (strCombination != cLastItemCharacter.ToString())
cNextCharacter = strItem[nLastTokenCharcaterIndexInParent + 1];
string strNewToken = strCombination + cNextCharacter;
return (GetCombinationRecursive(strNewToken, strItem, nCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn));
return string.Empty;
private string GetRemaining(string strChild, string strParent)
for (int i = 0; i < strChild.Length; i++)
int nIndex = strParent.IndexOf(strChild[i]);
strParent = strParent.Remove(nIndex, 1);
return strParent;
private Dictionary<string, double> GetFrequentItems(Dictionary<string, double> dic_Candidates, double dMinSupport)
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentReturn = new Dictionary<string, double>();
for (int i = dic_Candidates.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string strItem = dic_Candidates.Keys.ElementAt(i);
double dSupport = dic_Candidates[strItem];
if ((dSupport / (double)(m_nLastTransId - 1) >= dMinSupport))
dic_FrequentReturn.Add(strItem, dSupport);
m_dicAllFrequentItems.Add(strItem, dSupport);
return dic_FrequentReturn;
private Dictionary<string, double> GenerateCandidates(Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItems)
Dictionary<string, double> dic_CandidatesReturn = new Dictionary<string, double>();
for (int i = 0; i < dic_FrequentItems.Count - 1; i++)
string strFirstItem = Alphabetize(dic_FrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(i));
for (int j = i + 1; j < dic_FrequentItems.Count; j++)
string strSecondItem = Alphabetize(dic_FrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(j));
string strGeneratedCandidate = GetCandidate(strFirstItem, strSecondItem);
if (strGeneratedCandidate != string.Empty)
strGeneratedCandidate = Alphabetize(strGeneratedCandidate);
double dSupport = GetSupport(strGeneratedCandidate);
dic_CandidatesReturn.Add(strGeneratedCandidate, dSupport);
return dic_CandidatesReturn;
private string Alphabetize(string strToken)
// Convert to char array, then sort and return
char[] arrToken = strToken.ToCharArray();
return new string(arrToken);
private double GetSupport(string strGeneratedCandidate)
double dSupportReturn = 0;
foreach (string strTransaction in m_dicTransactions.Values)
if (IsSubstring(strGeneratedCandidate, strTransaction))
return dSupportReturn;
private bool IsSubstring(string strChild, string strParent)
foreach (char c in strChild)
if (!strParent.Contains(c))
return false;
return true;
private string GetCandidate(string strFirstItem, string strSecondItem)
int nLength = strFirstItem.Length;
if (nLength == 1)
return strFirstItem + strSecondItem;
string strFirstSubString = strFirstItem.Substring(0, nLength - 1);
string strSecondSubString = strSecondItem.Substring(0, nLength - 1);
if (strFirstSubString == strSecondSubString)
return strFirstItem + strSecondItem[nLength - 1];
return string.Empty;
private Dictionary<string, double> GetL1FrequentItems(double dMinSupport)
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItemsReturn = new Dictionary<string, double>();
foreach (ListViewItem lviItem in lv_Items.Items)
double dSupport = GetSupport(lviItem.Text);
if ((dSupport / (double)(m_nLastTransId - 1) >= dMinSupport))
dic_FrequentItemsReturn.Add(lviItem.Text, dSupport);
m_dicAllFrequentItems.Add(lviItem.Text, dSupport);
return dic_FrequentItemsReturn;
private bool ItemIsRemovable(string strItem, ref List<int> lst_Transactions)
string strTransaction;
bool bItemRemovable = true;
foreach (int nTransaction in m_dicTransactions.Keys)
strTransaction = m_dicTransactions[nTransaction];
if (strTransaction.Contains(strItem))
bItemRemovable = false;
return bItemRemovable;
private void EnableControls(bool bEnable)
btn_AddItem.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_DeleteItem.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_AddTrans.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_EditTrans.Visible = bEnable;
btn_DeleteTrans.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_ClearTransactions.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_Solve.Enabled = bEnable;
lv_Transactions.Enabled = bEnable;
Vulpes can u please kindly pinpoint recommendations?