
stumped on a good way to do something, ideas please!

Joshua Chambers

Joshua Chambers

May 16 2008 1:43 PM
So here's what I need to do... I have a set of results, and I need to tally how many times each result appears.  If I were in PHP I would use a string indexed array, but I just don't know what kind of relatively elegant solution I can do in C#.  I'm running through the results in a foreach loop.  I've created a custom little class just to hold the data with, and I'm sure I'll need some kind of collection of them.  The members are:

String name
int count

Each time through the loop, I need to search my collection of these and
if I already have one with a given name, increase the count.  I just want someone to tell me there's a better way of doing this than ANOTHER foreach loop to loop through all the elements of the collection to compare the Strings to see if it exists already, cause that's about all I can think of.  I'm pretty new to C#.

Any ideas are much appreaciated, thank you!

Answers (1)