
TopMost and BringToFront for Form showing in a Thread.

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This is my first post here, so I wanted to say hi.

My question is this: I have a form that is used to display the progress of an image conversion. It is running in a thread that loads when a FileSystemWatcher event is fired for the creation of a particular file, and ends when a FileSystemWatcher event is fired for the deletion of that file.

I have no problem getting the form to show and display the data I need, the problem is that it loads in the taskbar and is behind all my other windows and only comes to the front when I click the taskbar item. Setting it to TopMost and/or calling BringToFront for the form does not seem to help either.

I assume this is because the form is running in a thread. But is there a way to make this form TopMost when it loads.

Thanks a lot.

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