
Traverse Files and Folders and XML Generation



Hi , hope you all are fine and doing well. Actually i am stuck in a problem. I want to generate a xml schema of files and folders. Situation is that i can pass any folder's path. It will work as ROOT. Then it will search all the files and folders in it and generate a schema for that. I have been able to traverse all the files and Folders and Fetching their attributes and saving to a string. But real problem is that how do i set parent ID of files and Folder. Like if there is a file c:\My Documents\a.jpg if i have set My Documents id = 1 then a.jpg's parent id should be 1. and its own id could be any thing, I hope you have got my point. Problem is in parentID how do i assign my childs correct parent ID. Currently it generates the Schema but parentID is not correct in many cases. Here is a function have a look. public void outputXMLString(string folder) { string txt = ".txt"; string doc = ".doc"; string pdf = ".pdf"; string jpg = ".JPG"; string jpeg = ".JPEG"; string jpg1 = ".jpg"; string jpeg1 = ".jpeg"; string bmp = ".bmp"; string xls = ".xls"; string ppt = ".ppt"; string wav = ".wav"; string mp3 = ".mp3"; string mid = ".mid"; string mpeg = ".mpeg"; string mpg = ".mpg"; string wmv = ".wmv"; string avi = ".avi"; try { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(folder); DirectoryInfo[] subdir = dir.GetDirectories(); int parent = 0; int id = 0; //ArrayList bfs = new ArrayList(); //FolderInformation objFolderInfo = new FolderInformation(); //FileInformation objFileInfo = new FileInformation(); // string xmlDocString = ""; string path; string[] fname = null; //objFolderInfo.setName(dir.Name); //objFolderInfo.setParentId(id.ToString()); //objFolderInfo.setPath(extractPath(dir.FullName)); //objFolderInfo.setLastModified(dir.LastAccessTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + dir.LastAccessTime.ToShortTimeString()); //objFolderInfo.setId(id.ToString()); //objFolderInfo.setDirObject(dir); //objFolderInfo.getFoldersList().Add(objFolderInfo); parent = 0; foreach (DirectoryInfo sd in subdir) { id++; path = extractPath(sd.FullName); // parent = findParent(extractPath(sd.FullName)); xmlDocString += ""; xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("id", id.ToString()); //xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("id", idenity.ToString()); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("name", sd.Name); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("parent", parent.ToString()); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("lastModified", sd.LastAccessTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + sd.LastAccessTime.ToShortTimeString()); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("path", path); parent = id; AddElementsString(sd.FullName); xmlDocString += ""; FileInfo[] files = sd.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { if (fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(txt) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(doc) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(pdf) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(jpg) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(jpeg) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(jpg1) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(jpeg1) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(bmp) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(xls) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(ppt) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(wav) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(mp3) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(mpeg) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(mid) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(wmv) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(avi) || fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(mpg) ) { path = extractPath(fi.FullName); //parent = findParent(completePath(fi.FullName)); fname = fi.Name.Split('.'); xmlDocString += ""; xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("name", fname[0]); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("parent", parent.ToString()); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("type", fi.Extension.Substring(1)); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("lastModified", fi.LastAccessTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + fi.LastAccessTime.ToShortTimeString()); xmlDocString += AddXmlElement("path", path); xmlDocString += ""; } } } //foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in bfs) //{ // subdir = dir.GetDirectories(); // foreach (DirectoryInfo d in subdir) // { // bfs.Add(d); // } //} } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } Your Help is always appreciated Regards, Adnan