
trying to get 2 separate values in alert box

Manu xaml

Manu xaml

On my error message both inspStartTime.StartTime & inspEndTime.EndTime end up being the same values returned.  Although they each belogn to a different textbox. Any clues?
           for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(myVisual); i++)
                // Retrieve child visual at specified index value.
                Visual childVisual = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(myVisual, i);

                // Do processing of the child visual object.
                if (childVisual is TextBox)
                    MaskedTextBox btn = (MaskedTextBox)childVisual;
                    //Check first to see if the element is null
                    if (btn.Tag != null)


                        inspStartTime = new InspectionTime();
                        inspStartTime.TimeID = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Uid);
                        inspStartTime.StartTime = btn.Text;
                        inspEndTime = new InspectionTime();
                        inspEndTime.TimeID = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Uid);
                        inspEndTime.EndTime = btn.Text;

                       // updateMileage = Convert.ToInt32(StartTime.Text.Trim());
                       // updateMileage = Convert.ToInt32(EndTime.Text.Trim());

         control.ShowErrorMessage("Litte Test." + inspStartTime.StartTime + " " + inspEndTime.EndTime,  MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);