ok, I can not for the life of me figure this one out!!
So I have my decendant class:
public class STable : Netron.Shape
and later on I have a collection of objects. When I try to iterate through it, I get an invalid cast exception. Here is the actual code:
foreach( object p_shShape in m_panThePanel.Shapes )
if( p_shShape.GetType().ToString() == "LazarusWizard.Shapes.STable" )
Console.Write( ((LazarusWizard.Shapes.STable)p_shShape).Name );
now, the Console.Write line is reached, and because of the if statement before it I KNOW this object is an STable. I also set a breakpoint to look at it and in the command window I got:
[LazarusWizard.Shapes.STable]: {LazarusWizard.Shapes.STable}
Even the m_panThePanel.Shapes collection shows it's an STable:
[0]: {LazarusWizard.Shapes.STable}
I've also tried things like:
STable v_tblTemp = (STable)p_shShape;
which gives me the same error.. what in the name of all thats holy is going on here!