
TypeLoadException on changing version number in weak-typed assembly

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Hi All!

I have the following problem using CF 1.0 SP3:

I have an (.exe) that uses a set of private assemblies (weak-typed); each private assembly is compiled with auto-generation of version number (ex: 1.1.*); when I change source code of p.a. and I rebuild it:
- if new version of p.a. has the same major.minor.revision (only build number changes) then smart app run fines
- if new version of p.a. has different major.minor.revision then smart app fails and throws an TypeLoadException.

Important is that I do not use one solution for all assemblies and EXE, so I use an assembly pool to reference them.

The same scenario on Full .NET Framework runs fine!!!! And, actually, version number should not be considered for weak-typed assemblies.

How to avoid the problem without rebuilding all dependant assemblies ?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards.