unable to insert record into Orace using OdbcData Adapter
Hi ,
I am new to C# and I am unable to insert the record using below code . can some one help me to find the reason for that, i can follow different method to insert the record but want to know the error in my code code.
DataSet AddDs = new DataSet();
OdbcConnection DbConnection = new OdbcConnection("DSN=ST02;UID=c000155;PWD=#aug2010");
OdbcDataAdapter da = new OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM mig_entry where issue_id=20114", DbConnection);
da.Fill(AddDs, "mig_entry");
DataTable dt = AddDs.Tables["mig_entry"];
DataRow RecRow = dt.NewRow();
RecRow["ISSUE_ID"] = 29000;
RecRow["BUILD_ID"] = 4.1;
RecRow["CHECK_In_DATE"] = "22-SEP-2010";
RecRow["CHECK_IN_UID"] = "c000155";
RecRow["INSTRUCTIONS"] = null;
RecRow["Module_TYPE"] = "SHLI";
RecRow["PVCS_PROJECT"] = "1.0";
RecRow["PVCS_REVISION"] = "1.0";
RecRow["COMP_STATUS"] = "IP";
RecRow["ACTIVE_STATUS"] = 'A';
RecRow["Y2K_DATE"] = null;
RecRow["APPLC_CD"] = "MFM";
Please help me where I am doing wrong.