upgradation issue in IE8: while upgrading 3.5 framework project to 4.0 framework
After i upgraded the 3.5 framework solution to 4.0 we are facing the following issues on IE 8,
a) I have used the GridView asp:CommandField to achieve delete operation.
So that i used the below javascript implentation on GridDataRowBound event to get
confirmation before the row is getting deleted.
Dim onClick As String = String.Format("if(!confirm({0})) return false;", JsHelper.ToJs(page.Translator.Translate("Are you sure?")))
CType(control, ImageButton).OnClientClick = onClick
When i click Ok button it shows a blank page instead delete operation but postback is happenning and It doesn't raise the events such as
GridViewRow_Deleting an GridViewRow_Deleted.
Looking forward for your response as earliest