My System Have 2 Computer:
Frist Computer act as A domain Controller that has a Active Directory,RADIUS Server,DHCP and DNS
Second Computer act as A Web Server(join domain with a first computer already) and use Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008
I create a website on a second computer to add user in active directory. I have 3 file:
1.Default.aspx - Let user fill their privacy information
2.ViewRegisterdata.aspx - Let user confirm their information before it's added to active directory. In this file,there is a Viewregisterdata.aspx.cs which collect user information and send to Class1.cs when users click confirm button.
3.Class1.cs - Do the process in adding user in active directory
I have a problem with a third files.
When I run the website and go to a second page that is a ViewRegisterdata.aspx and then press a confirm button,it shows an error.
This is my code in a third file:
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.DirectoryServices;
namespace senior { public class Class1 { public struct UserInfo { public string username; public string AccountName; public string firstname; public string lastname; public string address; public string email; public string displayname; public string password; public string givenName; } UserInfo newUserInfo; public Class1(string Rfirstname, string Rlastname, string Raddress, string Remail, string Rdisplayname, string Rusername, string RaccountName) { newUserInfo.firstname = Rfirstname; newUserInfo.lastname = Rlastname; newUserInfo.address = Raddress; = Remail; newUserInfo.displayname = Rdisplayname; newUserInfo.username = Rusername; newUserInfo.AccountName = RaccountName;
DirectoryEntry adUserFolder = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://;DC=seniorproject,DC=COM","[email protected]","********");
if (adUserFolder.SchemaEntry.Name == "container") { DirectoryEntry newUser = adUserFolder.Children.Add("CN=" + newUserInfo.username, "User"); if (DirectoryEntry.Exists(newUser.Path)) { Console.Write("The user:" + newUser.Username + "exists, they will be deleted"); adUserFolder.Children.Remove(new DirectoryEntry(newUser.Path)); } newUser.Properties["AccountName"].Value = newUserInfo.AccountName; newUser.Properties["givenName"].Value = newUserInfo.firstname; newUser.Properties["sn"].Value = newUserInfo.lastname; newUser.Properties["displayName"].Value = newUserInfo.displayname; newUser.Properties["Address"].Value = newUserInfo.address; newUser.Properties["email"].Value =; //newUser.Properties["Password"].Value = "Y7l11909";
newUser.Invoke("setPassword:", "P@ssword:"); newUser.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value = 0x0200; newUser.CommitChanges(); }
} } }