here is the code.
1. Sub context_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim app As System.Web.HttpApplication = CType(sender, System.Web.HttpApplication)
Dim urlSource As String = app.Request.Path
Dim urlToChangeTo As String = MyChangeToFunction(urlSource)
End Sub
2. Function MyChangeToFunction(ByVal source As String) As String
Dim pos As Integer = -1
Dim Dir As String
Dim DirId As String = ""
Dim Dir1 As String
Dim sql As String
Dim Dir4 As String = ""
Dim Dir2 As String
Dim pos1 As Integer = -1
Dim pos3 As Integer = -1
Dim Dir3 As String = ""
Dir4 = source.Substring(1, source.Length - 1)
pos1 = Convert.ToInt32(Dir4.IndexOf("/"))
pos = Convert.ToInt32(source.LastIndexOf("/"))
Dir = Dir4.Substring(0, pos1)
Dir1 = Dir4.Substring(pos1)
Dir2 = Dir + "/Client" + Dir1
pos3 = Convert.ToInt32(Dir1.LastIndexOf("/"))
Dir3 = Dir1.Substring(pos3 + 1)
Dim scon As New SqlConnection
Dim scom As SqlCommand
Dim sdr As SqlDataReader
scon = New SqlConnection("server=devlpc27;" _
& "Initial Catalog=db_agrierp;" _
& "User Id=sa;" _
& "Password=veryd;")
sql = "Select pkid from tbl_directories where directory = '" & Dir3 & "'"
scom = New SqlCommand(sql, scon)
sdr = scom.ExecuteReader
If sdr.HasRows Then
While sdr.Read
DirId = sdr("pkid").ToString
End While
End If
Dim QueryStyring As String = source.Substring(source.LastIndexOf("/"c) + 1)
If QueryStyring = "" Then
Return source
End If
Dim ext As String = QueryStyring.Substring(QueryStyring.IndexOf("."c) + 1)
If ext = "gif" OrElse ext = "axd" OrElse ext = "css" OrElse ext = "jpg" Then
Return source
If QueryStyring = "Default.aspx" Then
Return source
Dim path As String
'Dim path As String = source.Substring(0, source.LastIndexOf("/"c))
path = Dir2 & "/Default.aspx"
'path = Dir2 & "/Default.aspx?Id ='" & DirId & "'"
Return path
End If
End If
'If Not IsNothing(HttpContext.Current.Session("UserID")) Then
' Dim UID As String = HttpContext.Current.Session("UserID")
' '
' If UID = "" Then
' Return source
' Else
' Return source.Insert(source.IndexOf("/"c), UID & "/")
' End If
' Return source
'End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return source
End Try
End Function
my problem is that, when i run the application with path- agrierp/hcl/hcl1, then
above two function will work and return updated path that is- agrierp/client/hcl/hcl1/default.aspx which i want but when the whole application execute, it shows agrierp/hcl/agrierp/hcl/hcl1/default.aspx means first two word get repeat.
is ther any solution for logical url mapping?