
Urlrewiting & google indexing- unknown urls automatically crawled and index



Jul 20 2010 1:52 AM

 i created web site for "XXXXX" and in that each entry from the country is dispalyed after approval from the admin. The entry data's title will be the URLs last part using ISS 7.0 redirect rule. But in my case google webmaster control shows alots of title duplication, url unreached etc errors of unknown links that were not in my site . 

It actually creating some links by adding one more 
eg:     http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/shop/123/home is the rewrited url
gogle shows its error in its orginal url !! why ? 
ie:  http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/home.aspx?shop=123

and it found uNknown(4 me) url like http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/shop/123/home/shop/145/house ???? 

Second problem is wen m using Httpmodule method for urlrewrting my local machine can easily rewtite the links with out and .aspx extension.Bu wen the page Is UP ist shows error ? 

YY ?? 

pls help mee  ...urgent .... M blank now ! :(