[quote name='Outshynd']
I wrote this for another forum but I figured I'd post it here as well. Hopefully it'll help some poor, lost soul.
C# is a much faster and more complete language than AutoIt. That said, it's also far more difficult to do simple tasks that AutoIt does quite well. You have to write your own MouseMove functions, your own WinActivate functions, your own everything functions (nearly). This is because AutoIt is a Windows automation tool and C# is an actual programming language. Well, can we have the best of both worlds? Sure.
This describes how to add AutoItX (the AutoIt COM Library DLL) to your C# (or other .NET) project and then execute a few simple instructions.
[code]using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace AutoItXTest
class Program
static AutoItX3Lib.AutoItX3Class au3; //our au3 class that gives us au3 functionality
static Thread thread; //our thread
static bool threadshouldexecute = true; //only execute thread 2 while this equals true
static int i = 0; //our incrementer
/// <summary>
/// The entry point, or main thread / main loop, of our program
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
au3 = new AutoItX3Lib.AutoItX3Class(); //initialize our au3 class library
au3.AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4); //advanced window matching
thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(threadtest)); //initialize and start our thread
if (au3.WinExists("Untitled - Notepad", "") == 0) //if an Untitled - Notepad document doesn't exist
au3.Run(@"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\notepad.exe", "", au3.SW_SHOW); //run notepad
au3.WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad", ""); //otherwise activate the window
string hWnd = ""; //let's use a window handle
while (hWnd.Length == 0) //try to get a handle to notepad until it succeeds
hWnd = au3.WinGetHandle("Untitled - Notepad", "");
while (au3.WinActive("handle=" + hWnd, "") == 0) //loop while it's not active
au3.WinActivate("handle=" + hWnd, ""); //and activate it
while (au3.WinExists("handle=" + hWnd, "") != 0) //while the window exists, loop
//send our incrementing variable, i, to notepad, with a trailing |
au3.ControlSend("handle=" + hWnd, "", "Edit1", i.ToString() + "|", 0);
i++; //increment i
Thread.Sleep(100); //short sleep so we don't burn CPU
//if the while loop exited--because there's no Untitled - Notepad--make the other thread stop executing
threadshouldexecute = false;
Console.Write("Press [ENTER] to continue..."); //tell the user to press ENTER to quit
Console.ReadLine(); //pause until enter is pressed
/// <summary>
/// our void function to execute thread #2
/// </summary>
static void threadtest()
while (threadshouldexecute) //loop while this thread should execute
au3.ToolTip("Thread 2\ni: " + i.ToString(), 0, 0); //display a tooltip with the incrementing variable i in it
Thread.Sleep(50); //sleep to free up CPU
au3.ToolTip("", 0, 0); //clear the tooltip after loop is done