
Visual 2013 MVC 5, Add controller dialog doesn't show model

I have been given a DLL which is supposed to contain the set of model classes.

I have been asked to generate controllers and view from this dll in visual studio 2013.

So, I created a new MVC5 project and added a reference of the given dll.

Further, To Test access to these model classes, I added a new class file and included namespace classlibrary.modal that was specified.

I was able to see all the model classes and their properties and method in this class file.

So, I went for generating the controllers and views by using Add scaffold option of "MVC 5, Controllers with Views Using entity framework".

But in the [model class] dropdown of add controller dialog.

I could not see any class of the given dll.

However, I could see the classes present in the current solution.

What should I do to make given dll classes to appear in the model dropdown list.

Kindly guide me.

Thanks in Advance

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