
VS 2015 - Blend: Rotated Shape resizes wrong

guenter Alzinger

guenter Alzinger

Oct 17 2015 9:47 AM
 I'm trying to  learn and understand WPF and for this purpose I'm playing currently with Blend intergrated in the Community Edition of VS2015.
Create an empty WPF All.
Add a triangle shape to the main window.
Transform: rotate it by 90.
Until yet the resize works correct, i.e. when you change x and/or y the resizing is correct.
Now change it into a control (Select triangle, then the menu Tools-Make into Control).
 Select "Button" as target type.
Define it in "Application".
 Click OK.
 Now the new control exists of two parts: the triangle and a button. If you resize the button in the x/y axes the triangle resizes wrong.
Resizing the triangle itself is correct, BUT when creating another a user control, where this triangle button will be part of, the resizing of the button
results in the same wrong behaviour.
 Does anybody know where my problem is? Shall I rotate the button part, too? where is it defined?