I want to read the MSMQ where queue data in byte and numbers of queues generated in 1 mins about 1500.
If read continuously queue, cpu goes on 30%, and after some time it stopped.
I need to read queue in high volume upto 4 hrs.
I want safe thread reading in such a manner that shouldn't be blocked.
Actually I am not good about threading so can you please help me out?
Currently I am reading in this manner:
bool ProcessStatus; Thread _UDPthreadConsme;
private void btn_receive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageQueue.Exists(@".\private$\myquelocal"))
ThreadStart _processrcs = new ThreadStart(receivemessages);
_UDPthreadConsme = new Thread(_processrcs);
ProcessStatus = true;
private void receivemessages()
while (ProcessStatus)
MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\myquelocal");
System.Messaging.Message[] myMessagecount = myQueue.GetAllMessages();
if (myMessagecount.Length <= 0)
myQueue.Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter();
System.Messaging.Message myMessage = myQueue.Receive();
byte[] buffer = (byte[])myMessage.Body;