WordInWeb Only Opens Document In Word Not In Browser
I am trying to load a word file into the browser with WordInWeb. I select the file from a DropDownList, then it populates the FilePath. When I do this, a message appears at the top of IE saying "To Protect Your Security Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer". When I click to allow, it reloads the page, then I have to select he document again.. When I do that, it opens Word, not in the browser. How do I get it to show in the browser instead of opening Word? Here is the code I'm using:
this.wrdEditor.FilePath ="../Documents/" + this.ddlWordDocs.SelectedItem.Text;
TextWriter tw = TextWriter.Null;
HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(tw);
Do I have to set the TextWriter to something? The TextWriter is needed for the HtmlTextWriter. I would think that that would have been explained somewhere if it were necessary.
Any help would be appreciated.