
Xml and C# load and save

Adam White

Adam White

Sorry if somthing like this has been posted before, i didn't know what to search for and i have been googling but i can't seem to find what i am looking for. basically i want to save a xml file. now i have recently learned i can't edit an xml file what i mean is. if X is present, overwrite. so right now i have an issue. i need to save based off varibles. i need somthing like gjgjgj >/settings> but it will repeat. so same again same layout diff values. i am not amazing at C# i am learning as i go along, and this is my first real use of Xml files. also after that i need to load all in y. then all in settings. but i need to link them. so i can access thembut there will be multiple instances of this. so i was thinking can i load it all into like a 2-d array? so {{y, settings}, {y, settings}} if so how would i do that or can u point me in the right direction. also how would i access it? what i'd like is varible.array[1].y or somthing that simple or if you can point me in a direction that is a better idea with reguards to the loading of those values, and accessing them. Regards Damnation